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Майкл Сэйлор о биткойне и крипто на волне краха ftx. Michae Saylor Bitcoin and Crypto FTX Collapse

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Майкл Сэйлор о #биткойне и #крипто на волне краха #ftx
Michael Saylor on Bitcoin and Crypto following FTX Collapse

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Hello everybody I'm Natalie Brunell thank you so much for checking out my show where I get to hear from the leading voices in Bitcoin financial
0:06 markets political structures philosophy and more please make sure you're subscribed to the show and if you're
0:12 watching this on YouTube like this video so more people see it and hit that notifications button so you don't miss
0:18 out on any new content this podcast does not provide Financial advice it is for educational and entertainment purposes
0:24 only so make sure you always do your own research before making any financial decisions and be aware of your risk
0:31 tolerance I'm able to produce this show thanks to my sponsors and I'm very picky about who I choose to partner with so I
0:38 hope you'll take the time to listen to the ad reads throughout the show all right now to my main partner Swann
0:43 Bitcoin Swan is where I do all of my Bitcoin purchases in fact I dollar cost
0:49 average every single day not every week not by monthly every single day and they
0:55 have the lowest fees in the space I love Swan Bitcoin because it is a true Bitcoin only company swan has a ton of
1:03 free educational resources on their website and they now have a mobile app which I've been using to smash by some
1:09 Bitcoin and Swan Studios produces my new show hard money which covers the biggest news in Bitcoin and the global economy
1:16 it's like an orange pilled version of CNBC so make sure to check that out on YouTube for all the biggest headlines
1:22 because we are not afraid to question the mainstream narrative all right it's time for the show
1:27 thanks for joining me on this special episode of hard money and coin stories where I am joined by the one and only
1:32 Michael Saylor and what a week to be doing an interview Michael thanks so much for joining me happy to be here
1:38 what a week FTX melting down no binance buyout you call this a teachable moment
1:44 on TV so what are the biggest lessons here Bitcoin not crypto
1:49 that's the lesson I I think um this week highlights the contrast
1:57 between the virtues of Bitcoin and the vices of crypto and it illustrates the
2:05 wisdom of Satoshi so if we go back to First principles
2:10 the entire Bitcoin movement got started because of a loss of faith in the
2:15 currency and a loss of faith in Banks and so this has gone on for since time
2:21 immemorial banking crisis that froze customers funds and currency crisis that
2:28 collapse their purchasing power and Bitcoin was was created as a currency
2:33 that couldn't be debased running on an open network so you could be your own bank
2:39 and the principal is if you're your own bank and the current and no one has
2:44 discretion to debase the currency then you're not going to wake up one morning and find out that your funds have been
2:50 seized and they've been devalued to zero crypto uh and the entire movement is
2:56 almost like the reinvention of fiat currency and and uh fractional Reserve
3:02 banking but instead of it being in a regulated environment it's just in an
3:08 unregulated environment so ironically we saw the same human behaviors here a
3:13 human being creates a wildcat bank unregulated then a human being creates
3:20 their own currency like the ftt token then they issue a bunch of it then they
3:25 start to leverage it and borrow against it and then at some point they start to misuse the funds of their customers in
3:32 their bank and they use it to prop up their currency eventually they the currency collapses the bank freezes its
3:41 assets people who had trusted the bank lose their assets people who had trusted the currency
3:47 lose their purchasing power and so this is a teachable moment because the
3:52 solution is don't put your value and currencies that are controlled by human beings
3:59 you can't trust the CEO you can't trust the company and you can't trust a
4:04 custodian and if there's a counterparty it's credit it's not money and Bitcoin
4:12 is nobody's liability there is no counterparty anyone that joins the network is their own Banker the reason
4:20 it's money is because no human being or no organization has discretion over it
4:26 so and if anything uh all of the Bitcoin memes have come back to life not your
4:33 keys not your coins constant and uh don't trust
4:39 verify and uh and it's it's uh it's sad to say
4:45 that this is an incredibly expensive lesson in basic fundamentals of monetary
4:53 Theory and Banking and a principled way forward with your Investments well the
5:00CEO that a lot of people were trusting was SBF who issued an apology the day before filing for bankruptcy and another
5:07 apology what do you think about his Mia culpa I think uh he caught got caught up in

Оригинал видео: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jVqnuVOeWI

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